Measurement & Allocation
System Audit Specialists

The production of fluids from a hydrocarbon reservoir and their fair and accurate allocation is a complex process that can be affected by a wide range of factors — from operational and engineering considerations, to commercial and contractual requirements, to mathematical and technological miscalculations.

When such complexities are not comprehensively managed, it puts field owners at the risk of loss. One approach to mitigate this risk is through hydrocarbon measurement and allocation audits. The principal focus of these is whether a system adheres to its commercially-agreed rules and, subsequently, whether loss has occurred. Naturally, it’s essential that these investigatory projects are conducted by auditors with a depth of domain-specific knowledge and experience.

Accord’s independent team have provided auditing consultancy for 100+ systems and facilities in the UK and internationally, and we separate our auditing approaches into two broad categories:

Hydrocarbon Measurement System Audits - focussed on determining whether the system is accurately measuring quantities used in Custody Transfer, Allocation or Environmental calculations.

Hydrocarbon Allocation System Audits - focussed on determining whether the system is fairly and accurately deriving entitlements to product and whether the implemented systems reflect the commercial rules correctly.

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Hydrocarbon System Audits, Delivered in Detail

Research & Review

Our thorough audit processes begin with desk-based research on the overall system, its expected performance, key commercial requirements, process flow diagrams and records. This helps the Accord team to understand the relationship between the processing/measurement equipment and allocation and allows us to identify key areas of focus during fieldwork and site audit visits.

Audit Fieldwork

The fieldwork phase of an audit is about first-hand examination — from the installation and operation of systems, to interviews with key stakeholders and scrutiny of data sources and system records. In Hydrocarbon Allocation audits the information gathered at this stage is used to develop a model of the allocation system for testing. Observations and findings made at this stage are compared and contrasted with the initial research phase to help better identify issues, anomalies and errors.

Analysis & Reporting

The collated information is analysed thoroughly and any important clarifications are made before we embark on preparing the Audit Report — which prioritises findings in terms of financial impact and makes clear where we believe action is most urgently required.

"Our Audit work helps clients meet a range of objectives, from contractual obligations/partner concerns, through to performance benchmarking or, indeed, as a project assurance activity."

Gordon Inglis

Gordon Inglis