MAY 2021 - JULY 2022

Transition of SEAL systems to PX for Energy24

PX / Energy24

Caser Rasool

Published by
Caser Rasool

Transition of SEAL ANSS to PX for Energy24

ANSS is an implementation of Energy Components (EC) owned by the outgoing operator, that tracks stock and ownership of the gas transported via the SEAL pipeline in the North Sea.

Consequent on the re-routing of Shearwater production to SEGAL, operatorship of the SEAL gas pipeline was transferred to a new operator, with PX Limited contracted to provide a range of services to fully prepare for the transfer of operatorship. The day-to-day operations are performed by the PX subsidiary, Energy24.

Accord delivered a project to transition ANSS to PX. The project included an upgrade to Energy Components and was completed in around 5 months. The system went live on 1st August 2022 on completion of the asset transition. Accord provides ongoing support for the system.


Leading & Collaborating

Accord had primary responsibility for the implementation of Energy Components. This included setting up the infrastructure, providing Oracle DBA services and end user training. 

Accord worked as part of an integrated team alongside staff from PX, service providers/vendors, and the outgoing / incoming operators to ensure the successful completion of the required tasks.

Infrastructure, Interface & Database

Accord defined the infrastructure, interface and database requirements feeding into the corporate-wide technical design.  The main tasks then performed during the implementation included:

  • Configuration of the application servers and Oracle databases to be used by Energy Components.

  • Upgrading the version of Energy Components. 

  • Capture of metering data via an interface to PI.

  • Building of a messaging interface to allow emails to be sent to external parties.

  • Data migration from the outgoing operator’s EC system to the Energy24 EC system.

  • Testing of transitioned system plus all the relevant interfaces within the new landscape.

  • Provision of EC end user training to the Energy24 operations team.

Experience & Knowledge

A key factor in the success of the project was the experience that Accord have in performing Energy Components upgrades and the knowledge of the SEAL ANSS EC system. 

Accord worked within an integrated team of stakeholders and vendors providing transparency and clarity on the EC project elements and working closely with other vendors to ensure the whole project remained on track. 

"This collaborative approach contributed to the successful delivery of the overall transition programme. Accord continues to work closely with Energy24 providing day to day support."

Caser Rasool

Caser Rasool