JUNE 2021

Accord Keep Active in Lockdown

Accord Team

Published by
Accord Team

As part of an overall drive to improve staff wellbeing and activity levels during lockdown, Accord staff have been taking part in a 9 week step challenge. Using the Virgin Pulse platform, staff have received activity trackers, been put into teams and challenged (in a fun way) to log as many steps as possible. The teams have all risen to the challenge and have been encouraging each other to walk, run, cycle and generally keep active to count their steps over the 2 month challenge.

The final statistics from the challenge are impressive:

The average step count per day is around 11,000 steps with the winning team averaging 16,000 steps per day. Individual top steppers were logging over 20,000 steps every day – a fantastic effort.

The competition has been a welcome diversion during lockdown giving staff an opportunity to connect with their team and a nudge to keep active while working from home.

Once restrictions allowed, alongside the competition, we have been arranging weekly evening walks in the local area giving staff an opportunity to meet up and socialise in the Aberdeenshire countryside. Some highlights have included a fantastic sunny evening up Bennachie, ice-cream and a beach walk in Stonehaven and a more character-building dreich night up Hill of Fare. Our most recent outing was a summer solstice trip up Clachnaben. The walks have been very popular - over 25 people have come along to at least one – so we will continue to organise these over the summer.

Sun shines down on Bennachie

Dreich night up Hill of Fare

Summer Solstice

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